Monday, June 27, 2011

fall early enrollment gift

It seems to early to be thinking of fall, isn't it? But in all reality, the kids will be off to school before we know it. I have designed our semester to work in concordance with Wahoo Public School's schedule to make your family's schedule easier. Thus, "fall" semester actually starts in mid-August (same week the kids go back to school). If you enroll in a fall class by Wednesday, July 20, you'll receive an early enrollment gift of your choice of a set of egg shakers or a musical book. You can enroll at or e-mail me at

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

2011 Fall Schedule

Kindermusik with Jenny



Note: Kindermusik with Jenny observes all school breaks in concordance with Wahoo Public Schools, thereby lengthening the weeks of a semester.

Sign & Sing, Session A & B (This class is for ages 6 mo.--3 years). Playtime and everyday items around the house—such as a ball, bubbles, and family members—are learning themes in this introduction to American Sign Language for a child and caregiver. Parents will benefit from the session's four, research-proven strategies shown to speed language development in hearing children, developed by the child development and sign language experts Signing Smart™. With the DVD's visual dictionary showing parents and children making over 60 signs, plus a pocket-sized set of flashcards of the pictures and the words of the signs, parents easily incorporate sign language into their daily routines, favorite nursery rhymes, and stories.Home Materials: Family Activity Guide, DVD Glossary, and clip-on flashcards
  • This is a 10 week unit, classes are 40 min. in length. Tuition + home materials=$145.00. Sibling discount = $40 per additional sibling.
  • Friday (August 19- November 4) @ 8:40am

Our Time, Wiggles & Giggles (This class is for ages 18mo.--3years). The more than 30 songs, 15 dances, and eight different instruments create these unique music activities, designed to reflect the importance of movement in the life of a toddler. Home Materials: Double CD features 50 songs, sounds, and recordings of favorite activities from class; two story books—Watch Me! and Pete and P.J., to develop early literacy skills; Home Activity Book; and specially-made pair of zigzag blocks—instrument to develop rhythm and hand-eye coordination-all conveniently stored in a Wiggles & Giggles carry bag.
  • This is a 15 week unit, classes are 40 min. in length. Tuition + home materials = $180.00. Sibling discount = $60 per additional sibling.
  • Friday (August 19- December 16) @ 9:30AM

Imagine That, See What I Saw (This class is for ages 3-5). In this class, preschoolers use their real experience of playing in the park to create imaginative, storytelling scenarios with music—go on an imaginary trip to Grasshopper Park where they sail down the park slide and then recreate the sound of that experience with a loooong vocal glissando. Each week provides preschoolers one uninterrupted session of imaginative play that's guided in a very specific, sequential way—with a special sharing time with parents in the last 15 minutes of classHome Materials: Two books—Can You Find Me? and The Ant Picnic Feast, Two Home CDs, See What I Saw Play Set, a Family Activity Book, a slide whistle instrument, a slide whistle and lumi sticks instruments.
  • This is a 15 week unit, classes are 40 min. in length. Tuition + home materials = $210.00. Sibling discount = $75 per additional sibling.
  • Friday (August 19-December 16) @10:20AM

Village, Feathers/Do-Si-Do (This class is for ages 0-18mo.)  
Feathers -- The musical poems of Woody Guthrie, bird songs, and the naturally occurring sounds in nature help babies develop an early appreciation—and accelerated aptitude—for language, movement, and music in this class. Home Materials: CD with over 25 specially-selected recordings from class, Kindermusik chimeball, a colorful picture book of birds—Feathers, and a set of Art Banners for the nursery wall that strengthens vision and promotes early literacy.
Do-Si-Do -- Pick up your baby and dance. Dance the Charleston, the Tango, and the Cha-Cha and learn why dancing with your baby helps develop vital learning skills—from head-to-toe. In this class, play a variety of baby appropriate instruments, a dance with fun props. Home Materials: CD with songs from class, an instrument—Kindermusik eggshaker and scarf, a picture board book—Do-Si-Do—with lilting move-to-it rhyming text, and a set of Art Banners for the nursery wall that strengthens vision and promotes early literacy.
  • This is a 16 week unit, classes are 40 min. in length. Tuition + home materials = $205.00. Sibling discount = $65 per additional sibling.
  • Saturday (August 20-January 14) @ 10:10am

ABC Music & Me, Colors & Shapes on the Farm (This class is for children age 2.) This is a brand new unit from Kindermusik International. So new that the description isn't available yet. :-) I will post more information as soon as it is available. If interested in enrollment, this particular class time is listed on my schedule at as “Carnival of Animals.”
  • This is a 4 week unit, classes are 30 min. in length. Tuition + home materials = $50.00. Sibling discount = $14 per additional sibling.
  • Tuesday (September 6-September 27) @ 9:20am .

ABC Music & Me, Carnival of Music (This class is for children age 3.) This month’s story features Barley Bear and his day-long quest to find a piece of shoo-fly pie at the fair. In class we’ll read about Barley and talk about his willingness to wait and be patient in the middle of the fun fair distractions. At home, your Home Kit includes more activities to help your child feel comfortable in group-play and group-learning situations.Home Kit: Egg shaker, Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Shoofly Pie)
  • This is a 4 week unit, classes are 30 min. in length. Tuition + home materials = $50.00. Sibling discount = $14 per additional sibling.
  • Tuesday (September 6-September 27) @ 10:00am .

ABC Music & Me, Jumping Beans (This class is for ages 4-6). In class, your child’s memory and sequence skills will strengthen with stop-and-go activities—all set to the music of Latin America. Tucked into stories and pretend play activities, stop-and-go games help your preschooler control body motions and follow directions on the go. Share the stories and activities in your Home Kit and you’ll strengthen self-discipline skills at home, too. Home Kit: One pan flute instrument, Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story A Quieter Instrument)
  • This is a 4 week unit, classes are 30 min. in length. Tuition + home materials = $50.00. Sibling discount = $14 per additional sibling.
  • Tuesday (September 6-September 27) @10:40am

Family Time, Movin' & Groovin' (This class is for multiple ages 0-7). A romping, rolling, stretching good time for the whole family. This ten-lesson unit of Family Time will explore lots of different ways to move—high and low, fast and slow, zigzag, curvy, and more. Family members will chug around the classroom like trains, clip-clop like horses, and roll over like puppy dogs. They’ll hear a story about playing tag together in Can You Catch Me?, and read about a jungle hokey-pokey in Put Your Left Paw In. Show your best groovin’ moves—it’s time for Movin’ & Groovin’.Home Materials: Two Books—Can You Catch Me? and Put Your Left Paw In, two Home CDs, Family Guide, and two monkey den-den drums.
  • This is a 10 week unit, classes are 40 min. in length. Tuition + home materials = $150.00. Sibling discount = $40 per additional sibling.
  • Saturday (September 17-December 10) @ 9:20am

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Games to Get Your Toddler to Listen: Engage Your Mini Mimic

Games to Get Your Toddler to Listen: Engage Your Mini Mimic

I have to share this article! It mentions using a focused listening activity to help your toddler with direction following. Kindermusik classes are loaded with focused listening activities. It's always fun to hear it from someone else.


Engage Your Mini Mimic

Pick out a sound that's not immediately in front of you, like the dog's bark that's coming from next door. Call your child's attention to it by saying, "Listen! Do you hear that dog barking?" Then, stay very still and quiet, modeling how to pay close attention by carefully listening. Next, ask your little one to copy what she's hearing (if she hesitates, you can prompt her with your own interpretation of the sound).

How It Helps Being able to focus on a sound without a visual cue might be tough for your toddler at first, but over time this activity will help her learn to listen carefully and improve her concentration skills. "Encourage her attempts by saying, 'Wow, I like how you listened to that doggy and tried to sound just like him,'" says Mari Blaustein, director of Early Childhood Initiatives for

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

summer sessions

Enroll in a summer class by Tuesday, June 21st and receive a free early enrollment gift of a set of shakers or a musical book!

Monday, June 6, 2011

first class of the summer!

We had our first classes of the summer today! This morning our 2-4 year olds in ABC Music & Me, Marvelous Me, learned more about how their bodies work. We made sure to MOVE and label our movements, what body parts are moving, etc. today. We sang about the way other animals and plants grow. In our morning infant class, Village, Busy Days, there was a lot of beat keeping taking place--bounces, bicycle legs, bilateral movement-- while singing about all the places we could go. We rocked and looked at books and cooed over how cute our babies are. :-). My joy is having little ones to sing and dance with. We would love to have you join us for a free class. Look for early enrollment incentives coming soon for upcoming sessions.